He met his spiritual master in 1975 and in 1976 he joined the ISKCON Movement and lived as a full time member in the Temple. In 1977 he received initiation from his spiritual master. He served Srila Prabhupada as a full time member of ISKCON from 1976 till 1983 by distributing books and making life members. Since he also had good business sense, he engaged in various business enterprises for the Society.
Sri Dharmavira Prabhu is currently living in the holy dham at Radha-kund, India and is absorbed in chanting the Holy Name. His mission is to build a preaching centre in Radha-kund and to assist aspiring seekers who wish to further their spiritual development and attain Krishna-prema, the highest goal of life.
Sri Dharmavira Prabhu is guiding sincere ssdhakas (spiritual practitioners) to chant minimum 64 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha mantra daily from Sri Radhakund.
He is directly empowered by Gauranga Mahaprabhu himself. It is evident from the sadhakas written and video testimonials that Sri Dharmavira Prabhu is undoubtedly empowered to make sadhakas to chant minimum 64 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha mantra daily.
By the empowerment of Gauranga Mahaprabhu all sadhakasa are chanting minimum 64 rounds under guidance received from Sri Dharmavira Prabhu for more than 3 years.